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Inclement Weather
The Blackfoot School District No. 55 will notify local TV and Radio stations regarding school closure or delay due to winter conditions. Additionally the district's Facebook page and Web site will provide regular updates on the status of school closures.
The Superintendent and the Transportation Director will be on the roads early in the morning to evaluate road conditions and also take into account current and immediate weather forecasts. The Superintendent and the Chairman of the School Board make the final call - in most cases by 5:30 am.
The District realizes not everyone will agree with all closures, but our staff makes every effort to come to the best decision possible as the student and staff safety is of paramount importance. Also, please note that if the temperature falls to -20 degrees Fahrenheit or lower, school will be called for the day.
Trains, Trains, Trains
Everyone living in Blackfoot is aware of the train situation..........
Transportation will try to reroute buses as needed to get across the tracks to get students to school on time. In the event that a bus is detained by a train; the bus driver will notify the Transportation Department via radio with their location and continue to relay how long they have been detained.
Transportation will document the route and bus number and contact the school(s) that the bus(es) will be late. Students will not be marked tardy if they are on the detained bus.
If a bus has been detained for more then 20 minutes, the Transportation Director will go to the location of the bus(es) and assist in getting them turned around so they can utilize an alternate crossing.
Bus Evacuations
Students will be evacuated from a bus ONLY when they are in more danger on the bus than they would be outside the bus. The Blackfoot School District No.55 conducts two scheduled practice emergency evacuation drills per school year. The two practice drills are conducted on school grounds. The general objective of the Blackfoot School District No. 55 is to enhance the safety of children being transported through instruction and preparation for bus emergencies.
In addition, bus drivers will verbally review evacuation procedures with all students included with the Tuesday monthly safety practices. There are three types of evacuations on a school bus, front door, back door and dual door.
The bus driver will select and train helpers from each bus route to assist in the practice drills and during actual emergency conditions. If you approve of your student being a bus evacuation helper; a permission form will be sent home for you to complete and return to the bus driver.
Blackfoot School District No.55
Administration Office
(208) 785-8800
Blackfoot School District No. 55
Transportation Department
(208) 785-8857
In the event that a school bus is involved in an accident the bus driver will immediately radio the Transportation Department relaying all details. The Transportation Department will contact law enforcement.
The Transportation Director will go to the site to assist the bus driver, students and law enforcement.
If a student contacts their parent, please note that students can not be released until authorized by law enforcement and by the Transportation Director.
All schools will be notified of the incident to help assist with any parent calls. The Transportation Department will make contact with parents as needed.